Hello Montclair Bulldogs Supporter,
We, the athletes, parents and coaches of the Montclair Bulldogs Pop Warner Football and Cheer teams welcome you as a sponsor for our organization.
The Montclair Bulldogs are part of the Pop Warner league, where we believe that every child should have a chance to play. Every player plays in every football game, and every cheerleader is welcomed to participate in sideline and competitive cheer. Last year (and many years prior) our cheerleading squad made it to the National Competition in Florida! When you support the Bulldogs, you are supporting champion student athletes.
We are also one of the most reasonably priced travel sports opportunities in Montclair. Whereas other travel leagues charge upwards of $2000 per player, our fees are under $200 for the season. We rely on your sponsorship contributions to continue to make this sport open to all. The Montclair Bulldogs are a 501c3 non profit organization.
For payment log onto https://forms.gle/FiT98GxHusvax1qU6

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